Get all the information on every coin listed on Coinranking with our Telegram Price Bot. Explore its features & commands with this handbook.
The bot will generate beautiful images with the information you requested: coin prices, stats, best or worst performers, and much more!
We have just added new features to the bot, which means you’re able to make more sorts of requests for specific coins. So, next to the market cap or the trade volume of the total crypto market, for example, the bot now provides this information for specific coins as well.

Add the Bot to your Telegram group
Interact one-on-one with the bot or add it to your Telegram group in 3 steps:
- Go to @CoinrankingOfficialBot
- Click on ‘Bot info’
- Choose ‘add to group’ and pick the group of your choice.
As easy as that!
Price Bot commands
p – Cryptocurrency price (try: /p btc eur 30d)
v – 24h trading volume [NEW]
m – Market cap [NEW]
l – Crypto project links [NEW]
b – 5 best performing cryptocurrencies
w – 5 worst performing cryptocurrencies
s – Crypto market statistics
Type: /p OR /price (gives options for requesting the price)
Type: /p btc OR /price bitcoin (gives Bitcoin’s price)
Type: /p btc USD 30D (gives Bitcoin’s price in USD, with the difference in 30 days)
Trading volume
Type: /v OR /volume (gives options for requesting trade volume)
Type: /v xrp OR /volume xrp (gives volume of XRP)
Market cap
Type: /m OR /marketcap (gives options for requesting the market cap)
Type: /m eth OR /marketcap eth (gives market cap of ETH)
Type: /l OR /links (gives options for the links)
Type: /l bch OR /links bch (gives links of BCH)
Type: /s marketcap OR /stats marketcap (gives total market cap)
Type: /s volume OR /stats volume (gives total 24h volume)
Type: /s coins OR /stats coins (gives the total number of coins listed on Coinranking)
Type: /s top10 OR /stats top10 (gives top 10 coins)
Best performers
Type: /b OR /best (gives time period options)
Type: /b 7d OR /best 7d (gives best performers of the last 7 days)
Worst performers
Type: /w OR /worst (gives time period options)
Type: /w 30d OR /worst 30d (gives worst performers of the last 30 days)
Custom Price Bot
Want a stronger brand presence in your Telegram group? The Custom Price Bot might be perfect for you. This customized bot contains your logo and brand colors and communicates the information of your cryptocurrency.
➡️ Get your customized Price Bot