Table of Contents
Winning since the beginning
In 2017, the first edition of the Coinranking Prediction Contest was announced. From that moment, the contest grew and became one of the biggest and most trusted contests in crypto space. Thanks to the great cooperation with Indacoin, more than 200 winners were made happy with crypto prizes. Due to this big success, a monthly special edition is to be announced!
Let’s buy a Lambo!
In the Prediction Contest, participants predict the prices of cryptocurrencies. The closest predictions win an amount in the same currency they had to predict. The setup of the special editions is similar to the current, regular contest, except for an enormous prize boost! 🎉 The larger prizes will be sponsored by several crypto projects, initiated by Indacoin.
Enormous prize boost!
These special editions are on a monthly basis, which gives the crypto enthusiasts plenty of time to prepare their predictions. And the best time to submit your prediction? That depends completely on your strategy. Some are amazingly fast, hoping to be the first with a good guess. Others wait till the deadline almost passes, hoping to anticipate best on the latest crypto price. So, what’s your strategy? 😏
Win big time!
Indacoin X Coinranking
When Indacoin became sponsor of the contest, a great long term partnership was set. We’re very pleased with the collaboration and the positive outcomes of it. Indacoin is a successful company working in the cryptocurrency field since 2014. You can use Indacoin’s services to buy dozens of different coins with Visa or Mastercard. The lucky winners of the contest receive the prizes via their account on Indacoin and are free to trade or withdraw the reward.
Weekly contests
The weekly Prediction Contest will continue alongside the special editions. Since many predictors (and we!) are attached to it, it will mainly remain the same. Every week a different coin to predict and the closest prediction wins $50 in crypto.
The first Prediction Contest – Special will be announced on Friday 2 October. Stay tuned!