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  2. Buy Coin Pos
There is no recent price data for this coin, because we don't see trading activity currently.

What is Buy Coin Pos?

BCP is designed to allow anonymous ownership and use rights, bcp-coin in the form of a computer can stall (e-wallet) is stored in a personal computer, you can also be stored in third-party trade platform. No matter what kind of form to save, bcp-coin can be traded with people anywhere in the world via the Internet trading platform.

P2P (Peer to Peer) technology features and no central server, depending on the user group (peers) exchange of information internet system to ensure that any organization can not manipulate the value of bcp-coin, its value depends on the market's supply and demand.

Digital currency or digital money is an Internet-based medium of exchange distinct from physical (such as banknotes and coins) that exhibits properties similar to physical currencies, but allows for instantaneous transactions and borderless transfer-of-ownership.

Both virtual currencies and cryptocurrencies are types of digital currencies, but the converse is incorrect. Like traditional money these currencies may be used to buy physical goods and services but could also be restricted to certain communities such as for example for use inside an on-line game or social network. Digital currencies such as bitcoin and bcp-coin are known as "decentralized digital currencies," meaning that there is no central point of control over the money supply.

The main function of the early “bcp-coin” is just used as a tool to advance some of the trading platform, with frequent network transactions, this Digital Currency come from western attract by most China enterprise concerns. Some experts believe that the “Digital Currency” will be to define the wealth in the future, that’s no longer US dollar, not the gold. Internet into the 21st century, the smart phone in addition to the convenience of communication, relying on mobile networks also facilitate the data transfer and we bring the convenience of finance and investment, the Internet world have been digitized. The digital currency to break the framework of this exchange controls, to use the digital currency for global payments, it changed the worldwide consumption patterns.

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