WazirX exchange

View WazirX exchange statistics and info, such as trading volume, market share and rank.

WazirX statistics

Statistics showing an overview of WazirX exchange, such as its 24h trading volume, market share and cryptocurrency listings.

24h trading volume $ 1.75 million
Exchange rank 122
Cryptocurrencies listed 240
Markets 376
Market share 0.00%

Top markets

A list of top markets on WazirX exchange based on the highest 24h trading volume, with their current price.

Market 24h volume
All markets

Top cryptocurrencies by markets

A list of top cryptocurrencies on WazirX exchange based on the highest number of markets available for trading.

Cryptocurrency Markets
2 WazirX WRX
3 Dock DOCK

Top cryptocurrencies by volume

A list of top cryptocurrencies on WazirX exchange based on the highest 24h trading volume, with their current price.

Cryptocurrency 24h volume
1 JasmyCoin JASMY
$ 192,811.58
$ 0.0359
$ 139,106.34
$ 0.0000782
$ 41,840.67
$ 1.71
4 Solana SOL
$ 63,047.29
$ 171.48
$ 17,042.11
$ 0.0000251
View all

About WazirX exchange


WazirX is a cryptocurrency exchange, founded in 2018 and based in India. The centralized exchange claims to be India's fastest growing cryptocurrency exchange with over 400,000 users, and an average app rating of 4.6. WazirX has a live open order book system that allows users to trade popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, BNB, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. Users can deposit and withdraw cryptocurrencies and also cash in/cash out USDT via Peer-to-Peer to Indian Rupees. 

In 2020, Binance integrated WazirX’s P2P trading platform into its system, making WazirX part of the Binance ecosystem. This integration allows users to instantly transfer funds between their Binance and WazirX accounts and to both buy and sell USDT via WazirX’s P2P trading platform directly on Binance.

WRX Token (WRX)

WRX Token (WRX) is the exchange token of the WazirX exchange. The token gives access to fee discounts and other benefits. WRX was launched with the idea to involve the community in helping build out WazirX, and reward them accordingly for contributing to success. There will be a maximum of 1 Billion WRX coins ever created.

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