Nami exchange

View Nami exchange statistics and info, such as trading volume, market share and rank.

Nami statistics

Statistics showing an overview of Nami exchange, such as its 24h trading volume, market share and cryptocurrency listings.

24h trading volume $ 6.95 billion
Exchange rank 56
Cryptocurrencies listed 349
Markets 696
Market share 6.54%

Top markets

A list of top markets on Nami exchange based on the highest 24h trading volume, with their current price.

Market 24h volume
All markets

Top cryptocurrencies by markets

A list of top cryptocurrencies on Nami exchange based on the highest number of markets available for trading.

Cryptocurrency Markets
3 Acala ACA
5 Swipe SXP

Top cryptocurrencies by volume

A list of top cryptocurrencies on Nami exchange based on the highest 24h trading volume, with their current price.

Cryptocurrency 24h volume
$ 676.40 million
$ 3,055.47
$ 800.91 million
$ 0.999
3 Bitcoin BTC
$ 560.61 million
$ 62,597.21
$ 3.28 billion
$ 0.0000402
5 Solana SOL
$ 319.62 million
$ 136.40
View all

About Nami exchange

Established on November 24, 2017, by a Singapore-based team, Nami Exchange emerges as a Futures Crypto-to-Crypto platform, emphasizing an automated transaction transfer mechanism. Nami Exchange specializes in offering crypto futures contracts with leverage capabilities reaching up to 1:100, along with Over-The-Counter (OTC) services. Nami asserts a user base exceeding 15,000 active participants and processes approximately $500,000 in daily transaction volume.

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