Cryptocurrencies on Uniswap V2 (Polygon) exchange

All 32 cryptocurrencies on Uniswap V2 (Polygon) exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies (asc) Price 24h trade volume 24h volume
$ 0.00798
$ 979.80
$ 979.80
$ 0.00798
$ 0.000440
$ 1,981.13
$ 1,981.13
$ 0.000440
$ 0.196
$ 2,004.34
$ 2,004.34
$ 0.196
$ 1.05
$ 1,918.06
$ 1,918.06
$ 1.05
$ 0.0701
$ 2,103.69
$ 2,103.69
$ 0.0701
27 Aavegotchi GHST
$ 1.73
$ 3,958.06
$ 3,958.06
$ 1.73
$ 0.0814
$ 2,181.28
$ 2,181.28
$ 0.0814
$ 0.407
$ 1,062.74
$ 1,062.74
$ 0.407
24 Banana BANANA
$ 1.19
$ 2,217.05
$ 2,217.05
$ 1.19
$ 0.278
$ 2,201.64
$ 2,201.64
$ 0.278
$ 2.68
$ 2,469.04
$ 2,469.04
$ 2.68
$ 2,963.65
$ 231,099.21
$ 231,099.21
$ 2,963.65
20 Aimedis AIMX
$ 0.00649
$ 2,722.35
$ 2,722.35
$ 0.00649
$ 0.0759
$ 3,588.56
$ 3,588.56
$ 0.0759
$ 0.00219
$ 3,695.49
$ 3,695.49
$ 0.00219
17 Wrapped Matic WMATIC
$ 0.660
$ 58,269.54
$ 58,269.54
$ 0.660
16 Bund V2 BUND
$ 8.23
$ 3,891.80
$ 3,891.80
$ 8.23
15 Ispolink ISP
$ 0.00235
$ 4,116.37
$ 4,116.37
$ 0.00235
14 Rain Coin RAIN
$ 5.99
$ 2,993.99
$ 2,993.99
$ 5.99
$ 0.0128
$ 6,884.95
$ 6,884.95
$ 0.0128
12 PolyDoge POLYDOGE
$ 0.0₆0847
$ 3,718.83
$ 3,718.83
$ 0.0₆0847
$ 0.0869
$ 3,917.91
$ 3,917.91
$ 0.0869
$ 1.59
$ 8,539.04
$ 8,539.04
$ 1.59
$ 0.000131
$ 8,955.15
$ 8,955.15
$ 0.000131
$ 0.0000216
$ 10,708.47
$ 10,708.47
$ 0.0000216
7 IX Swap IXS
$ 0.564
$ 5,536.61
$ 5,536.61
$ 0.564
$ 0.0450
$ 12,080.22
$ 12,080.22
$ 0.0450
$ 0.0747
$ 13,437.79
$ 13,437.79
$ 0.0747
4 OmniCat OMNI
$ 0.000369
$ 15,832.21
$ 15,832.21
$ 0.000369
3 APWine APW
$ 1.32
$ 17,428.72
$ 17,428.72
$ 1.32
$ 0.669
$ 36,721.44
$ 36,721.44
$ 0.669
$ 60,464.10
$ 65,943.23
$ 65,943.23
$ 60,464.10
Cryptocurrencies 32