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  2. Stafi

What is Stafi?

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  • Author: Coinranking
  • Reading time: 4 minutes

Stafi is a decentralized protocol that empowers liquidity. It encompasses 3 layers—bottom, contract and application layers. The bottom layer is mainly based on a blockchain system established by Substrate (which is a blockchain architecture developed by Parity, and the whole architecture integrates many development modules, including consensus module, P2P module, Staking module, etc.).

The contract layer support creating a variety of Staking contracts, such as Staking contracts for XTZ, Atom and Dot respectively. The token holder can Stake through Staking Contract, which is consistent with the inflation incentives obtained by the ordinary Stake. But the difference is that The holder also can obtain rTokens. Last, the application layer supports third-party Stafi-based APIs or customized APIs to create a decentralized bondeds asset trading market for rTokens to circulate, transfer, and trade on the Stafi protocol.

The protocol runs in a purely decentralized manner. Stafi, which is built on Substrate, will be connected to Polkadot as a parallel chain, sharing the underlying consensus of Polkadot. The main security and performance are also guaranteed by Polkadot. The core layer is the contract level, and the ownership of the Stake token is fully guaranteed by the contract code. Stafi uses a distributed key storage protocol to ensure the security of the Stake address through multi-signatures.

The holder can initiate Stake or redeem the Stake anytime and anywhere without the need for third party intervention. When the holder of the coin initiates the Stake token to the Stake contract, the system's inflation incentives can be obtained regularly.

Meanwhile, any holder of rTokens can initiate a redemption to the corresponding Stake contract anytime, anywhere (The redemption operation interacts with the original chain through the Stafi protocol. After the redeeming transaction is written to the chain, Stake coins will be sent to the submitted coin account after unlocked.) The Stafi protocol guarantees that each and every alternative rToken is exclusively correspond to the token on the original chain.

That is to say, only the holder of the rTokens can initiate the redemption of the original token to the Stake contract. When A trades rTokens to B, A no longer has the redemption right to those tokens, and B now can initiate redemption to the Staking contract. The whole process does not require third party intervention.

Any third party can establish a decentralized bonded assets exchange using the Stafi protocol to at the application layer. All rToken exchanges share the depth of the transaction. With the increasing number of public chains adopting PoS launching their mainnets, the number and variety of Stake's tokens will rocket. And rTokens will traded more frequently. As a result, developers will be hugely rewarded, in the form of transaction fee, from rToken transactions they initiated.

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