Bitforex exchange

View Bitforex exchange statistics and info, such as trading volume, market share and rank.

This exchange is inactive on Coinranking. Its data is not up to date.

BitGlobal statistics

Statistics showing an overview of BitGlobal exchange, such as its 24h trading volume, market share and cryptocurrency listings.

24h trading volume $ --
Exchange rank --
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Market share --%

Top markets

A list of top markets on Bitforex exchange based on the highest 24h trading volume, with their current price.

Market 24h volume
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Top cryptocurrencies by markets

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Top cryptocurrencies by volume

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About Bitforex exchange

BitForex is a digital asset cryptocurrency exchange that offers spot and perpetual futures contracts that can be traded with leverage up to 100x. It’s a relatively new exchange that was launched in 2018. The exchange aims to provide a wide range of trading products, which includes spot trading, margin trading, and derivatives. According to its website, BitForex constantly launches new features and products to meet the user's needs.

The exchange is supported in more than 180 countries and offers over 300 trading pairs.

BitForex Token (BF)

BitForex Token (BF) is the native token of the BitForex ecosystem. As a holder of the coin you can enjoy several advantages; you get a trading bonus and may participate in BitForex global conferences and KOL meetings, and you may attend various events. BitForex token can also be used in new features, such as BitForex Insight and entertainments. And there are premium airdrops for premium BF holders.


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