WCRO to CORGIAI market on Uniswap V2 (Cronos)

Price and trading volume data of the Wrapped CRO (WCRO) to CorgiAI (CORGIAI) market on Uniswap V2 (Cronos) exchange.


An overview of WCRO/CORGIAI on Uniswap V2 (Cronos) exchange, including rank. View the base and quote currency.

Price to USD $ 0.125
Close price 79.97 CORGIAI
Market rank 9,302
Exchange Uniswap V2 (Cronos)
Base currency WCRO
Quote currency CORGIAI

Volume statistics

Statistics of WCRO/CORGIAI showing trading, base, and quote volume in the past 24 hours.

24h trading volume $ 53,048.67
24h base volume 437,161.72 WCRO
24h quote volume 34.05 million CORGIAI