Staying home these days, and looking for ways to kill your time? Want to start your first crypto hobby project, but not sure what to create yet? Let us help you!
We provide an API, which allows you to build cool crypto applications without collecting data first. Because we’ve done that already for you. The Coinranking API enables you to use the price data of Coinranking; integrate data about coins, exchanges, and markets into all different kinds of applications. What kind of applications? We’ve made a list of products you can build with our API.
Quite some interesting projects are built already within the Coinranking ecosystem. Check out these projects and get inspired by them.
And don’t forget to read the introduction to our API.
Developing skills
Our developers says that using our API is pretty easy. (It’s up to you to agree or disagree). You’re probably familiar with some development skills since you’re interested in building an application with our API. Recognize the term JSON? Then you will be fine. Also, having some knowledge about cryptocurrencies and blockchain? Then you will be fine for sure!
Go directly to the docs.
Top 8 crypto projects ideas
OK, let’s go! Use the Coinranking API to integrate data into the following applications:
1. Crypto wallet
A wallet wouldn’t be a wallet, and a portfolio app, wouldn’t be a portfolio app, without the latest prices of cryptocurrencies. Show up to date prices and meta-information about the coins, to cater to the needs of your users as good as possible. View example
2. Crypto exchange
Building an exchange is more than just a hobby project, but because our API is very suitable for exchanges, we name it here as well. How cool would it be if traders on your exchange get information about coins, due to meta-information you could provide. Show high-quality logos of coins, links to the socials, descriptions & more.
3. Crypto prices on your website
If you are a blogger and writing about cryptocurrencies, blockchain or other tech trends, a bar with live prices on top of your website could be a cool idea!

4. Price alert
Make your own price alert for your favorite coin. Set it to your own preferences and get a notification when Bitcoin goes to the moon (or one of the other +10.000 coins).
5. Alexa skill or Google action
Let Alexa yell you awake when Bitcoin drops under $5000. Create Google actions and Alexa skills to get information about market cap, live prices or other price information, just by asking them.
6. Widget for your dashboard
Create a widget for your custom dashboard. A widget could show information, such as the latest price of your favorite coin, in a currency of your choosing.
7. Build a Telegram bot
Build your own bot for Telegram. By sending your requests, the bot could give all the information on cryptocurrencies; an overview of the best performers, price history & more.
8. Pricing tracker
Hmm, should we encourage you to become our competition? Kidding! We want people to be able to use our data to enrich the world of blockchain with ideas and projects. Let’s learn from each other! So, go ahead and create a price tracker website for your own coin, for just Bitcoin, or for another hundred coins.
Your crypto project in the spotlight
Are you building something cool already? We love to hear from you! Tell us about your product in the Coinranking Telegram group.
Want to be on the list with projects using our API? Reply to this topic on our forum, and we’ll add your project as soon as possible.