Cryptocurrencies on Luno exchange

All 19 cryptocurrencies on Luno exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies Price 24h trade volume (desc) 24h volume (desc)
1 Bitcoin BTC
$ 64,916.88
$ 3.65 million
$ 3.65M
$ 64,916.88
2 Solana SOL
$ 143.52
$ 472,677.96
$ 472,677.96
$ 143.52
$ 3,355.34
$ 1.21 million
$ 1.21M
$ 3,355.34
$ 0.527
$ 399,203.76
$ 399,203.76
$ 0.527
5 Polygon MATIC
$ 0.742
$ 114,029.97
$ 114,029.97
$ 0.742
6 Uniswap UNI
$ 8.11
$ 50,690.76
$ 50,690.76
$ 8.11
$ 14.20
$ 52,841.38
$ 52,841.38
$ 14.20
$ 1.03
$ 22,236.47
$ 22,236.47
$ 1.03
$ 85.67
$ 105,102.12
$ 105,102.12
$ 85.67
10 Cardano ADA
$ 0.473
$ 90,624.44
$ 90,624.44
$ 0.473
11 Polkadot DOT
$ 7.02
$ 7,069.17
$ 7,069.17
$ 7.02
$ 481.85
$ 23,876.47
$ 23,876.47
$ 481.85
13 Algorand ALGO
$ 0.203
$ 3,619.49
$ 3,619.49
$ 0.203
$ 0.466
$ 2,069.32
$ 2,069.32
$ 0.466
15 Maker MKR
$ 3,043.09
$ 977.39
$ 977.39
$ 3,043.09
16 Cosmos ATOM
$ 8.60
$ 868.97
$ 868.97
$ 8.60
17 Stellar XLM
$ 0.120
$ 785.91
$ 785.91
$ 0.120
18 Avalanche AVAX
$ 35.03
$ 122,584.12
$ 122,584.12
$ 35.03
19 Aave AAVE
$ 95.80
$ 2,446.47
$ 2,446.47
$ 95.80
Cryptocurrencies 19