Cryptocurrencies on Luno exchange

All 19 cryptocurrencies on Luno exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies Price (desc) 24h trade volume 24h volume
1 Bitcoin BTC
$ 65,000.58
$ 3.88 million
$ 3.88M
$ 65,000.58
$ 3,346.72
$ 1.17 million
$ 1.17M
$ 3,346.72
16 Maker MKR
$ 3,114.66
$ 890.48
$ 890.48
$ 3,114.66
$ 482.31
$ 28,865.39
$ 28,865.39
$ 482.31
2 Solana SOL
$ 144.04
$ 522,739.51
$ 522,739.51
$ 144.04
13 Aave AAVE
$ 95.85
$ 2,149.11
$ 2,149.11
$ 95.85
$ 85.53
$ 112,383.42
$ 112,383.42
$ 85.53
18 Avalanche AVAX
$ 34.89
$ 112,808.72
$ 112,808.72
$ 34.89
$ 14.34
$ 64,831.92
$ 64,831.92
$ 14.34
15 Cosmos ATOM
$ 8.63
$ 978.37
$ 978.37
$ 8.63
7 Uniswap UNI
$ 8.12
$ 47,005.15
$ 47,005.15
$ 8.12
11 Polkadot DOT
$ 7.01
$ 7,779.04
$ 7,779.04
$ 7.01
$ 1.03
$ 21,171.12
$ 21,171.12
$ 1.03
5 Polygon MATIC
$ 0.737
$ 110,038.15
$ 110,038.15
$ 0.737
$ 0.527
$ 405,037.14
$ 405,037.14
$ 0.527
10 Cardano ADA
$ 0.474
$ 92,396.01
$ 92,396.01
$ 0.474
$ 0.465
$ 2,192.07
$ 2,192.07
$ 0.465
19 Algorand ALGO
$ 0.205
$ 947.80
$ 947.80
$ 0.205
17 Stellar XLM
$ 0.120
$ 711.32
$ 711.32
$ 0.120
Cryptocurrencies 19