Proof-of-work coins

92 coins #3 Page 2

Proof of Work is how miners use computing power to solve puzzles, secure the blockchain, and earn rewards. More

# Coins Price Market cap 24h
51 Enecuum ENQ $ 0.000125
$ 24,956
$ 24,956
52 MimbleWimbleCoin MWC $ 20.17
$ 219.20M
$ 219.20 million
53 Xphere XP $ 0.0347
$ 190.81M
$ 190.81 million
54 Quai Network QUAI $ 0.0951
$ 45.48M
$ 45.48 million
55 Cellula Token CELA $ 0.00599
$ 5.99M
$ 5.99 million
56 Fact0rn FACT $ 5.87
$ 5.49M
$ 5.49 million
57 Grin GRIN $ 0.0135
$ 1.33M
$ 1.33 million
58 BLOCX BLOCX $ 0.0107
$ 774,012
$ 774,012
59 Omni OMNI $ 1.25
$ 771,909
$ 771,909
60 Ore ORE $ 32.27
$ 638,190
$ 638,190
61 Archethic UCO $ 0.00112
$ 459,751
$ 459,751
62 Phicoin PHI $ 0.00153
$ 327,822
$ 327,822
63 ScPrime SCP $ 0.0328
$ 220,664
$ 220,664
64 Hoosat Network HTN $ 0.0000330
$ 112,229
$ 112,229
65 BitcoinPoW BTCW $ 0.0150
$ 41,244
$ 41,244
66 TerraCoin TRC $ 0.000252
$ 5,780
$ 5,780
67 SparkPoint Fuel SFUEL $ 0.0000250
$ 3,751
$ 3,751
68 BTC MOBICK BMB $ 210.30
$ --
$ --
69 NewYorkCoin NYC $ --
$ --
$ --
70 Anoncoin ANC $ --
$ --
$ --
71 PrimeCoin XPM $ --
$ --
$ --
72 QuarkCoin QRK $ --
$ --
$ --
73 PotCoin POT $ --
$ --
$ --
74 DimeCoin DIME $ --
$ --
$ --
75 BolivarCoin BOLI $ --
$ --
$ --
76 Litecoin Cash LCC $ --
$ --
$ --
77 PluraCoin PLURA $ --
$ --
$ --
78 Swap XWP $ --
$ --
$ --
79 Aves AVS $ --
$ --
$ --
80 PVC Crypto PVCC $ --
$ --
$ --
81 Tres Chain TRES $ --
$ --
$ --
82 Sugarchain SUGAR $ --
$ --
$ --
83 Digital Kash DKASH $ --
$ --
$ --
84 Luxchain LUX $ --
$ --
$ --
85 CPUchain CPU $ --
$ --
$ --
86 SafeMineCoin SMCN $ --
$ --
$ --
87 Altcoinchain ALT $ --
$ --
$ --
88 FlapXcoin FLAPX $ --
$ --
$ --
89 TUSKE TSK $ --
$ --
$ --
90 RavenCash RVH $ --
$ --
$ --
91 Riecoin RIC $ --
$ --
$ --
92 Bitcoin Rocket BTCR $ --
$ --
$ --
Top gainer in this list Top loser in this list Ranking penalty

Trending Proof-of-work coins

Top gainers

Coins Price Market cap 24h
Zcash ZEC $ 36.54
$ 582.86M
$ 582.86 million
BELDEX BDX $ 0.0756
$ 522.69M
$ 522.69 million
EthereumPoW ETHW $ 1.41
$ 152.57M
$ 152.57 million
Firo FIRO $ 0.972
$ 9.80M
$ 9.80 million
Bitcoin BTC $ 83,890.01
$ 1.66T
$ 1.66 trillion
All gainers

What is a proof-of-work coin?

Proof-of-work involves highly complex mathematical equations that humans can't solve, even with a calculator. It's an intricate process that necessitates high-powered computers to solve cryptographic equations. The first 'miner' or computer that solves this equation can add new transaction blocks to the blockchain. Once verified by other miners, the 'winning miner' receives compensation for solving the equation.

This process consumes substantial energy resources. When the network expands, transaction times can slow down, evident in Bitcoin, capable of only 7 transactions per second (tps) compared to Visa's 24,000 tps.

However, proof-of-work is known for its robust security. To compromise the network, a "bad actor" or hacker would need access to 51% of the network and computing power, which demands significant energy and expense.

Key points

  • PoW involves miners performing complex mathematical computations to validate transactions and create new blocks.
  • PoW is designed to be energy-intensive, requiring significant computational power and electricity usage.
  • The energy consumption of PoW has been criticized as being unsustainable and contributing to environmental issues.

How does the proof-of-work (PoW) model work?

Every cryptocurrency has a public ledger called a blockchain that records transactions. Each block in this chain has a specific hash, and to confirm it, a miner must generate a target hash that's less than or equal to that of the block.

Miners use specialized devices that generate computations at lightning speed to find the target hash. The miner who first finds the target hash updates the blockchain and receives rewards in cryptocurrency.

The reason proof-of-work is so effective is that it's challenging to find the target hash but easy to verify it. This makes it almost impossible to manipulate transaction records.

Proof-of-work with Bitcoin

Bitcoin transactions undergo security verification and are grouped into a block for mining. Bitcoin's proof-of-work algorithm generates a hash for the block using SHA-256, creating hashes with 64 characters.

Miners compete to generate a target hash below the block hash. The first miner to find the correct hash adds the latest block of transactions to Bitcoin's blockchain, receiving Bitcoin rewards in newly minted coins and transaction fees.

Bitcoin aims to add a new block every 10 minutes, adjusting mining difficulty based on the miners' block-adding rate.

In summary, Bitcoin's proof-of-work algorithm ensures blockchain security, stable block addition rates, and incentivizes miners to compete for rewards by generating the correct hash.

Proof-of-stake (PoS)

The alternative to proof-of-work would be proof-of-stake. PoS does not require large amounts of energy.

Instead, it requires a large amount of capital AKA money.

To participate in proof-of-stake, a miner must invest in a certain amount of digital currency. Those currencies would be used to validate the blocks.

This process is conducted using a weighted algorithm where the staker who has the largest currencies staked and experience is picked.

When a miner is picked to verify the blocks, they are rewarded with cryptocurrencies. If they verify the block incorrectly, however, they could lose their stake. This motivates miners to have good intentions when verifying transactions on the blockchain.

As you can see, proof-of-stake tends to favor those with the most amount of currency staked. Thus, some may say proof-of-stake is not as decentralized as it could be, however, there are many sides that could be looked at.

Proof-of-work (PoW) vs Proof-of-stake (PoS)

Energy consumption

In terms of energy consumption, PoS will definitely take the higher ground. This is because PoW takes a huge amount of energy and most of this is electricity. This is a huge red flag with green warriors who do not agree with the large consumption of electricity and power. For context, it takes 1,449 kilowatt hours (kWh) to mine a single Bitcoin. This is the amount of electricity a single household in the US consumes for 13 years.

That's a lot!

With PoS, all you need is the investment of currency and so electric consumption is way less. This is why “The Merge” was significant. Ethereum has become more “eco-friendly” and now uses 99.95% less energy to mine.


PoW requires miners to solve a cryptographic equation to add blocks to the blockchain. The miners are then rewarded for solving these equations in block rewards or transaction fees. Through this model, the miners are incentivized to act honestly. In addition, it is harder to manipulate the network since a lot of computational power is required to do so.

With PoS, validators hold and stake their holdings as collateral. The act of staking allows validators to have an interest in maintaining the security of the network. Any malicious behavior can cause their stake to be slashed.

Proof-of-work (PoW) coins you should know about

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency, which was launched in 2009 and introduced the concept of proof of work. Since then, many other coins have adopted this mechanism for transaction processing.

Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin, launched in 2011, is one of the earliest altcoins and based on Bitcoin’s code. It offers faster transaction speeds than Bitcoin.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that started as a joke but quickly gained a loyal following after its launch in 2013. It is based on the Doge meme and also uses proof of work for transaction processing.

Final thoughts on proof-of-work (PoW)

Proof of work was the preferred consensus mechanism for early cryptocurrencies that needed a secure and decentralized way to process transactions. While proof of stake has emerged as a less energy-intensive alternative, many major coins still use proof of work to maintain the integrity of their blockchain.

In summary, proof of work has played a crucial role in the development of cryptocurrency, from Bitcoin to newer coins like Dogecoin. While there are other consensus mechanisms available, proof of work continues to be widely used in the cryptocurrency world.