Cryptocurrencies on BTCMarkets exchange

All 31 cryptocurrencies on BTCMarkets exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies Price 24h trade volume 24h volume
$ 0.545
$ 4.22 million
$ 4.22M
$ 0.545
2 Bitcoin BTC
$ 66,678.86
$ 1.89 million
$ 1.89M
$ 66,678.86
$ 1.00
$ 2.86 million
$ 2.86M
$ 1.00
4 Hedera HBAR
$ 0.163
$ 168,232.65
$ 168,232.65
$ 0.163
5 Solana SOL
$ 156.97
$ 158,794.99
$ 158,794.99
$ 156.97
$ 86.19
$ 32,643.79
$ 32,643.79
$ 86.19
$ 15.38
$ 24,659.20
$ 24,659.20
$ 15.38
$ 1.33
$ 20,135.16
$ 20,135.16
$ 1.33
9 Cardano ADA
$ 0.505
$ 17,196.34
$ 17,196.34
$ 0.505
10 Avalanche AVAX
$ 39.06
$ 15,488.30
$ 15,488.30
$ 39.06
$ 1.00
$ 10,203.03
$ 10,203.03
$ 1.00
12 Polkadot DOT
$ 7.33
$ 8,811.54
$ 8,811.54
$ 7.33
13 Compound COMP
$ 61.34
$ 6,318.14
$ 6,318.14
$ 61.34
$ 7.12
$ 5,492.12
$ 5,492.12
$ 7.12
$ 0.521
$ 3,765.56
$ 3,765.56
$ 0.521
16 Ethereum ETH
$ 3,228.79
$ 471,995.15
$ 471,995.15
$ 3,228.79
$ 478.64
$ 2,765.80
$ 2,765.80
$ 478.64
18 Algorand ALGO
$ 0.202
$ 2,288.02
$ 2,288.02
$ 0.202
$ 28.05
$ 2,062.47
$ 2,062.47
$ 28.05
20 Stellar XLM
$ 0.118
$ 1,661.88
$ 1,661.88
$ 0.118
$ 77.35
$ 1,334.34
$ 1,334.34
$ 77.35
$ 0.0347
$ 1,134.05
$ 1,134.05
$ 0.0347
$ 0.319
$ 934.74
$ 934.74
$ 0.319
24 Forte AUD AUDF
$ 0.645
$ 2.54 million
$ 2.54M
$ 0.645
$ 0.701
$ 446.72
$ 446.72
$ 0.701
26 BeachCoin SAND
$ 0.501
$ 225.42
$ 225.42
$ 0.501
27 Golem GNT
$ 0.412
$ 126.16
$ 126.16
$ 0.412
$ 0.277
$ 121.36
$ 121.36
$ 0.277
$ 0.363
$ 109.54
$ 109.54
$ 0.363
30 Uniswap UNI
$ 8.00
$ 50.26
$ 50.26
$ 8.00
31 Meld Gold MCAU
$ 58.05
$ 9.70
$ 9.70
$ 58.05
Cryptocurrencies 31