Cryptocurrencies on SushiSwap (Ethereum) exchange

All 127 cryptocurrencies on SushiSwap (Ethereum) exchange. View live prices and trading volume of all listings.

Cryptocurrencies Price 24h trade volume 24h volume
$ 94.71
$ 807,978.46
$ 807,978.46
$ 94.71
$ 1.00
$ 564,972.35
$ 564,972.35
$ 1.00
$ 0.264
$ 380,431.03
$ 380,431.03
$ 0.264
$ 20.24
$ 363,756.51
$ 363,756.51
$ 20.24
5 Dai DAI
$ 1.00
$ 357,130.79
$ 357,130.79
$ 1.00
$ 1.02
$ 301,633.75
$ 301,633.75
$ 1.02
$ 0.963
$ 178,872.61
$ 178,872.61
$ 0.963
$ 3,122.92
$ 4.16 million
$ 4.16M
$ 3,122.92
$ 63,191.56
$ 124,329.68
$ 124,329.68
$ 63,191.56
10 Alchemix ALCX
$ 25.11
$ 91,965.65
$ 91,965.65
$ 25.11
11 Covalent CQT
$ 0.188
$ 81,117.74
$ 81,117.74
$ 0.188
12 Ampleforth AMPL
$ 1.06
$ 74,865.65
$ 74,865.65
$ 1.06
13 OmniCat OMNI
$ 0.000416
$ 72,020.90
$ 72,020.90
$ 0.000416
$ 0.0134
$ 64,395.72
$ 64,395.72
$ 0.0134
15 Chainlink LINK
$ 14.20
$ 49,180.64
$ 49,180.64
$ 14.20
$ 0.00944
$ 48,550.51
$ 48,550.51
$ 0.00944
$ 25.46
$ 44,594.72
$ 44,594.72
$ 25.46
$ 0.853
$ 44,299.66
$ 44,299.66
$ 0.853
$ 2.56
$ 37,157.23
$ 37,157.23
$ 2.56
20 Spell Token SPELL
$ 0.000893
$ 37,012.41
$ 37,012.41
$ 0.000893
21 Compound COMP
$ 55.65
$ 32,343.14
$ 32,343.14
$ 55.65
22 Railgun RAIL
$ 1.33
$ 29,662.97
$ 29,662.97
$ 1.33
$ 1.48
$ 29,154.69
$ 29,154.69
$ 1.48
24 Tokemak TOKE
$ 0.820
$ 27,121.17
$ 27,121.17
$ 0.820
$ 0.117
$ 22,797.63
$ 22,797.63
$ 0.117
$ 6,987.98
$ 21,840.92
$ 21,840.92
$ 6,987.98
$ 0.000297
$ 19,557.97
$ 19,557.97
$ 0.000297
$ 0.216
$ 19,211.42
$ 19,211.42
$ 0.216
$ 0.0188
$ 17,603.00
$ 17,603.00
$ 0.0188
$ 0.682
$ 16,831.61
$ 16,831.61
$ 0.682
31 Pendle PENDLE
$ 5.43
$ 15,748.53
$ 15,748.53
$ 5.43
32 Cryptex CTX
$ 5.07
$ 15,240.89
$ 15,240.89
$ 5.07
33 Keep3rV1 KP3R
$ 74.85
$ 13,306.00
$ 13,306.00
$ 74.85
$ 1.40
$ 13,174.41
$ 13,174.41
$ 1.40
$ 0.965
$ 11,952.27
$ 11,952.27
$ 0.965
36 Tokenlon LON
$ 0.895
$ 11,489.90
$ 11,489.90
$ 0.895
37 Quartz QUARTZ
$ 0.215
$ 10,757.27
$ 10,757.27
$ 0.215
$ 2.05
$ 10,661.44
$ 10,661.44
$ 2.05
39 Thorstarter XRUNE
$ 0.0163
$ 10,479.02
$ 10,479.02
$ 0.0163
40 Eden EDEN
$ 0.0938
$ 9,857.60
$ 9,857.60
$ 0.0938
41 NearPad PAD
$ 0.0172
$ 9,583.75
$ 9,583.75
$ 0.0172
42 Tether USD USDT
$ 1.00
$ 156,241.32
$ 156,241.32
$ 1.00
$ 1.53
$ 9,376.43
$ 9,376.43
$ 1.53
44 Fantom FTM
$ 0.701
$ 8,644.03
$ 8,644.03
$ 0.701
$ 2.87
$ 8,092.58
$ 8,092.58
$ 2.87
46 Biconomy BICO
$ 0.475
$ 7,712.07
$ 7,712.07
$ 0.475
47 Maker MKR
$ 2,888.76
$ 7,684.09
$ 7,684.09
$ 2,888.76
$ 14.84
$ 7,224.18
$ 7,224.18
$ 14.84
$ 0.433
$ 6,679.55
$ 6,679.55
$ 0.433
50 TerraUSD UST
$ 0.0193
$ 5,482.29
$ 5,482.29
$ 0.0193
1 23
Cryptocurrencies 127