Bitcoin halving in 3 hours. This means 50% less Bitcoin will be mined. From 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block.

Bitcoin Exchange listings - Page 3

Exchanges BTC price 24h trade volume 24h volume Recommended
101 BL3P
$ 64,239.73
$ 315,158.71
$ 315,158.71
$ 64,239.73
$ 63,897.80
$ 296,036.90
$ 296,036.90
$ 63,897.80
$ 64,866.58
$ 240,627.50
$ 240,627.50
$ 64,866.58
$ 64,235.18
$ 183,870.75
$ 183,870.75
$ 64,235.18
105 GDAC
$ 64,253.40
$ 119,403.27
$ 119,403.27
$ 64,253.40
106 Nash
$ 64,240.81
$ 106,812.08
$ 106,812.08
$ 64,240.81
$ 64,240.87
$ 100,793.29
$ 100,793.29
$ 64,240.87
$ 64,306.95
$ 93,162.95
$ 93,162.95
$ 64,306.95
$ 63,922.88
$ 87,766.70
$ 87,766.70
$ 63,922.88
$ 64,292.87
$ 54,166.75
$ 54,166.75
$ 64,292.87
$ 64,373.96
$ 20,691.34
$ 20,691.34
$ 64,373.96
$ 66,346.87
$ 17,598.34
$ 17,598.34
$ 66,346.87
$ 64,892.37
$ 14,414.55
$ 14,414.55
$ 64,892.37
114 XBTS
$ 64,250.00
$ 10,819.88
$ 10,819.88
$ 64,250.00
$ 64,152.02
$ 2,666.88
$ 2,666.88
$ 64,152.02
$ 64,163.39
$ 2,002.48
$ 2,002.48
$ 64,163.39
$ 65,000.00
$ 259.84
$ 259.84
$ 65,000.00
$ 64,235.40
$ 26.68
$ 26.68
$ 64,235.40
1 23
Exchanges 118
24h trade volume $ 42.93 billion